Monday, January 14, 2013

The Wrong Move

I just made the wrong move. I woke up this morning and I told myself that I was going to workout. Was I going to run? No. It was snowing/raining outside. I was going to ride a stationary bike. The weather was great inside. I had a slight stomachache in the morning, but it took care of itself, so I figured I'd be fine. The time came for me to hop on that bike. I was about to head into the basement when it hit me: I can't exercise on an empty stomach. "That would be insane", I reasoned.  So I reached for the Doritos and Sunny D.


Needless to say, I did not feel like exercising afterwards. I felt heavy, as if I had added one more unnecessary burden to an already insurmountable weight. I felt like a failure. There wasn't any motivation to be found at that point. So, after a few moments, I made another wrong move: I gave up.

I'm not one who enjoys getting my butt kicked. I will never truly understand those people who love to "feel the burn." I was always taught that you avoid anything that burns, like hot stoves and heart burn. I've always viewed workouts like P90X and Insanity as crazy, and the people who participated in them, even crazier. To me, there has never really been anything truly attractive about attempting to move my body until it hurts.

Here is another wrong move I've made: I've lost sight of the goal. And in reality, that is worse than Doritos and giving up. The ease of comfort food and letting go of a workout routine clouded my vision. This realization hurt more than the realization of temporary failure. Because at that point, I had no longer just let myself down, I had let someone much more important down.

That hurts.

I may not enjoy getting kicked in the butt by a workout or "feeling the burn", but I far less enjoy the pain of disappointing another. And that... that I cannot stand for. So, now, I am choosing to make the right move. Not just for me. I am doing it for something greater than myself.

I will feel the burn.

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